The NYC report studied pedestrian deaths occurring between 2012 and 2014 According to a newly released joint report from the New York City Department of Health and the Department of Transportation, individuals in poorer areas are more likely to be struck and killed by a motor vehicle. In fact, the report found that pedestrian deaths […]
NYC Auto Accident Lawyer Discusses AAA Drowsy Driving Study
Drowsy driving is a serious problem that has been linked to numerous motor vehicle accidents. If you’re like most people, you could probably use a little more sleep. What you may not realize is that going without the sleep you need can dramatically increase your risk of being involved in a serious auto accident. According […]
Manhattan Auto Accident Lawyer Discusses Drugged Driving and the Elderly
Many prescription medications and even over-the-counter drugs can cause drowsiness and other impairments. Most people are well aware that drinking and driving is dangerous and irresponsible. The reality is that any substance that impairs your thinking, concentration, or reaction time behind the wheel is potentially hazardous. This means that drugs, whether prescription or over-the-counter, can […]
Is Driving Tired Just as Bad as Driving Drunk?
Some researchers have speculated that driving drowsy is just as dangerous as driving drunk. If you’re like one-third of the population, you don’t get enough sleep at night. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three American adults is sleep-deprived. The National Sleep Foundation says that the average adult under […]
Is Thanksgiving a Dangerous Time for Travel?
Safety experts say that rising airline ticket costs are causing more people to drive rather than fly — something that is likely to put even more people on the road this Thanksgiving. As Thanksgiving approaches, most people start making plans to celebrate with their loved ones or perhaps squeeze in one last vacation for the […]
NHTSA May Require Automakers to Issue Recalls by Email
It’s important to regularly check to determine if your vehicle has been subject to a recall. If you’re like most people, you do at least a portion of your correspondence over email, rather than via regular mail. According to Radicati Group, Inc., a technology market research firm, there were over 205 billion emails sent each […]