Many individuals are unaware that they have legal recourse after they or a loved one has sustained a non-crash related injury during a flight.
When a plane crash occurs in the U.S., the news usually becomes a media staple. However, there are other forms of flight accident injury that impact the lives of thousands of people every year, but fall under the radar. These are injuries sustained by passengers from mishaps that occur while a plane is in flight, or while passengers are boarding, or getting off an aircraft. A flight accident can be caused by a number of problems that arise during a flight including turbulence, falls, service cart impacts, and overhead bin malfunctions. Over an estimated 4,000 passengers are injured each year on planes by falling baggage alone.
Thousands of people board airplanes daily, entrusting their well-being to the knowledge and experience of airline operators. Most never stop to question things like whether an overhead bin is safe, if their seat belt is defective, or if an unsecured food cart will lead to their injury. But just imagine. You are traveling to another state, and have just taken your seat on a plane after waiting a long time to board. You follow all instructions in preparation for takeoff, and then relax as the flight attendant announces that everyone is free to move about the cabin. Suddenly, a rolling food cart rams into your shoulder, and leaves you in serious pain. What do you do?
Many individuals are unaware that they have legal recourse if they have sustained a non-crash related injury during a flight, or while boarding or disembarking an aircraft. A flight injury lawyer can help those who have sustained a turbulence injury, baggage injury, or other aircraft injury type assess their legal options.
In seeking help from an airplane injury lawyer it is important to know whether a chosen attorney has experience obtaining successful outcomes for cases related to one’s own. Not all aviation accident lawyers are qualified to handle every type of claim involving flight personal injuries. Experience in these cases matter. (Click here for more about the experience of Jonathan C. Reiter)*
Jonathan C. Reiter, a prominent aviation accident lawyer in New York, has an extensive background in handling various types of aviation accident cases. From commercial airline accidents to in flight injury claims, the aviation lawyer has handled some of the most complex aviation lawsuits in the U.S. to date. (Click here for more about the major aviation lawsuits handled by Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter)*
Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter represents clients with claims involving accidents that have occurred throughout the U.S. as well as those involving injury in international flights and class action lawsuits.
Passengers who have been injured by a mishap during a flight, or as a result of the carelessness of an airline employee, may have valid grounds to take legal action to be compensated for damages. If you or a loved one has sustained a flight injury, and want more information about your legal rights, contact the Jonathan C. Reiter Law Firm, PLLC today to request a free consultation.
*Experience: Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter has represented the survivors of 14 passengers killed in the American Airlines Flight 587 crash at Belle Harbor, New York. He also obtained multiple million and multi-million dollar settlements for plaintiffs in connection with the SwissAir Flight 111 crash near Peggy’s Cove Nova Scotia. As an attorney for families of victims of the EgyptAir 990 crash, he obtained the highest verdict for a single passenger in the case. Attorney Reiter also represented several families of victims of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks.
Call Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter Right Now: 212-736-0979